In Sirius 1.3 the Gold Price Forecast is an option that costs $300. On our website are papers on the technical details of this forecast, but you don t need to understand the technical details to use this forecast. The forecasts are for short-term changes in gold prices and work best when analyzed in 3-month periods. Step into the future with the world s most comprehensive and elegant astrology software: Sirius 2.0! NEW FEATURES OF SIRIUS GOLD FORECAST: The Gold Price Forecast produces a graph of predicted gold prices and for past years for which gold price data is available, the actual gold prices, and the correlation of predicted and actual gold prices is given. Also, Sirus 2.0 is at the cutting edge of 21st century software and combines the power of your computer with online services to allow you to put virtually ANY asteroid in a chart. 1 Sirius version 2.0 Just Released! Sirius 2.0 is not only extraordinarily comprehensive with new extensive western sidereal astrology techniques, the highly respected Krishnamurti Paddhati Vedic system, and dozens of other new features but it is even easier to use with new features like a popup wheel that appears in a separate program window.